Posts Tagged 'yacht painting techniques’

Recent Developments Related to Antifoulings a

Regarding a recent development Antifoulings

Paint industry is constantly changing, thriving industry. 1980'In many countries with, marinas and other areas with low water tides, Antifouling paints containing TBT, Due to the negative effects of marine organisms specifically banned the use of small boats. 1 January 2003 from the date of the IMO (The International Maritime Organization) MEPC (Marine Environment Protection Committee), TBT (kalay) antifouling paint containing applications and 1 From January 2008, agreed to ban these types of paints that existence of the ship karinalarında. By law, use of antifouling paints containing system organotinler ships harmful dyes restrictions were brought in. Some of these developments affecting companies in the maritime industry TBT paint(Kalay) has accelerated the production of antifouling paint containing.

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